Calculators to help you achieve your dreams
See where your money is going with easy-to-use inputs. Use our calculators to prepare for your next milestone - whether that's buying a home, saving for retirement or somewhere in between.
Choose a topic below to start exploring:
Not sure where to start? Use one of our popular calculators (marked with a ).

Budgeting Calculators

Calculate a Loan Payment
View a breakdown of your monthly loan payment
Calculate Your Net Worth
Compare your assets (things you own) and liabilities (things you owe)
Household Cash Flow Tracker
Match your spending with your income to build a healthy financial future
How Much Am I Spending?
Organize and reduce your spending in particular categories
Save or Pay Off Debt
Consider using the money you have in savings to pay down your debt
Keep Working or Stay at Home?
Should you return to work after staying at home with children?
Spare Change
Count up the spare change that's in your piggy bank
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Savings Calculators

Compare Two CDs
Find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit (CD)
The Impact of Saving More
Use this calculator to see what happens when you start saving more
Save for a Rainy Day
Determine how big your rainy day savings needs to be an emergency
Save for College
Estimate how much you'll need to save for college education
Save to be a Millionaire
How much do you need to save to be a millionaire?
Save Towards a Goal
Determine how much you need to save to reach a goal you may have
What Will My Savings be Worth?
Get an estimate on how much your savings will be worth in the future
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Mortgage & Refinance Calculators

Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Analyzer
Understand your ARM terms and estimate your monthly payment
Calculate a Mortgage Payment
Use this calculator to estimate what your mortgage payment will be
Compare Two Mortgage Loans
Compare mortgages and see which one works the best for you
The Equity in Your Home
Start leveraging the equity in your home
Home Affordability
Look at the factors that impact your ability to obtain a mortgage
Proceeds from Sale of a Home
Estimate how much money the sale of your home will yield
Rent or Buy?
See if you should rent or buy a home
Time to Refinance?
Take advantage of low rates and see what could happen if you refinance
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Retirement & Debt Management Calculators

401 (k) Calculator
See the benefits of getting a 401 (k) account through your employer
Debt Consolidation
Designed to help determine whether debt consolidation is right for you
Debt-to-Income Calculator
Calculate your monthly income versus your monthly expenses
Estimate Social Security Benefits
Estimate the amount of benefits you (and a spouse) may receive
How Long Will It Take to Pay Off a Credit Card?
Use this calculator to figure out how long it'll take to pay off a credit card
How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?
Determine how long your retirement savings may last
Retirement Income Estimator
Estimate what monthly income your retirement savings may provide
Save for Retirement
Use this calculator to help you meet your retirement goals
Save or Pay Off Debt
Consider using the money you have in savings to pay down your debt
Spend It or Invest in an IRA
Putting away more today will impact when you'll be able to retire
Traditional 401 (k) or Roth 401 (k)?
See what type of 401 (k) can help you meet your retirement goals
Use a Lump Sum to Pay Down Debt
Received a lump-sum payment from an inheritance or tax refund?
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All Calculators
401 (k) Calculator
See the benefits of getting a 401 (k) account through your employer
Adjustable-Rate Mortgage Analyzer
Understand your ARM terms and estimate your monthly payment
Calculate a Mortgage Payment
Use this calculator to estimate what your mortgage payment will be
Calculate a Loan Payment
View a breakdown of your monthly loan payment
Calculate Your Net Worth
Compare your assets (things you own) and liabilities (things you owe)
Compare Two CDs
Find out how much interest you can earn on a Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Compare Two Mortgage Loans
Compare mortgages and see which one works the best for you
Debt-to-Income Calculator
Calculate your monthly income versus your monthly expenses
Debt Consolidation
Designed to help determine whether debt consolidation is right for you
Estimate Social Security Benefits
Estimate the amount of benefits you (and a spouse) may receive
The Equity in Your Home
Start leveraging the equity in your home
Home Affordability
Look at the factors that impact your ability to obtain a mortgage
Household Cash Flow Tracker
Match your spending with your income to build a healthy financial future
How Long Will It Take to Pay Off a Credit Card?
Use this calculator to figure out how long it'll take to pay off a credit card
How Long Will My Retirement Savings Last?
Determine how long your retirement savings may last
How Much Am I Spending?
Organize and reduce your spending in particular categories
The Impact of Saving More
Use this calculator to see what happens when you start saving more
Proceeds from Sale of a Home
Estimate how much money the sale of your home will yield
Rent or Buy?
See if you should rent or buy a home
Retirement Income Estimator
Estimate what monthly income your retirement savings may provide
Save for a Rainy Day
Determine how big your rainy day savings needs to be an emergency
Save for College
Estimate how much you'll need to save for college education
Save for Retirement
Use this calculator to help you meet your retirement goals
Save or Pay Off Debt
Consider using the money you have in savings to pay down your debt
Save to be a Millionaire
How much do you need to save to be a millionaire?
Save Towards a Goal
Determine how much you need to save to reach a goal you may have
Keep Working or Stay at Home?
Should you return to work after staying at home with children?
Spare Change
Count up the spare change that's in your piggy bank
Spend It or Invest in an IRA
Putting away more today will impact when you'll be able to retire
Time to Refinance?
Take advantage of low rates and see what could happen if you refinance
Traditional 401 (k) or Roth 401 (k)?
See what type of 401 (k) can help you meet your retirement goals
Use a Lump Sum to Pay Down Debt
Received a lump-sum payment from an inheritance or tax refund?
What Will My Savings Be Worth?
Get an estimate on how much your savings will be worth in the future