The Moneyhune Savings account is especially designed for keiki under the age of 18. It can be converted to a Statement Savings account when the individual turns 18 years old. We also have investment and savings accounts used for education. Speak to a Financial Advisor for more information.
Interest is compounded daily and credited to your account monthly. If your account is closed or is transferred to a non-interest bearing account before interest is credited, you will not receive the accrued interest. If the interest amount calculated for the monthly cycle is less than half a cent, interest will not be paid.
For checking and money market accounts, a statement will be provided to you monthly. For savings accounts a statement will be provided to you at the end of each calendar quarter. You will receive an additional statement for any month in which you perform electronic fund transfers. If your savings account is part of the combined statement, a monthly statement will be provided instead of a quarterly statement.
A checking account is considered dormant at 12 months of inactivity and a savings account is considered dormant at 36 months of inactivity. While your account is dormant, you will not be able to access the ATM or use your debit card at point-of-sale (POS) terminals.