eStatements - Secure
secure icon
SecureReduce private information being mailed to your business and have peace of mind that your documents are safely stored online for up to 24 months. Paper statements expose your account information and addresses in print, risking the possibility of others accessing this information.  To protect yourself and your information, go paperless to see your confidential information digitally.
convenient icon
ConvenientWe’ll send you an email when your statement is ready to view. You may view or print statements as needed.

Sign Up for eStatements

Online Account Administrators can up for eStatements.  To sign up your accounts for estatements follow these steps after  logging into Online Banking:

  1. From the Menu, click on Settings, then click on Statement Preferences
  2. For each account, select eStatements for the Delivery Type
  3. Enter your email address for each account and click Submit. A notification will be sent to this email address when your eStatement is ready for viewing.
  4. Review the terms and conditions, then select the checkbox if you agree
  5. Click Save
  6. You will receive a confirmation message


Control Who Can View and Enable eStatements

Online Account Administrators can turn on and off the ability to view and enable or disable e-statements settings for other users on the online account.

Business eStatements - Security

Enable and Disable the eStatement Options for a User Role

Only the Account Administrators can take the following steps to enable and disable the estatement options for a user role.

  1. In the left side Navigation bar, Navigate to ‘Commercial’ > ‘User Roles’
  2. Select a user role and click the pencil icon to edit
  3. Select ‘Features’ from the top tabs
  4. Under the Custom Features heading, select “Online: Enable Link for eStatement Preferences” 
  5. The user can now view the ‘Statement Preferences’ tab under ‘Settings’

Allow a user role to view the estatements

Account Administrators can take the following steps to allow a user role to view the estatements.

  1. Navigate to Commercial > User Roles,
  2. Select a user role and click the pencil icon to edit
  3. Select Features from the top tabs
  4. Under Custom Features select “Online: Enable Link for eStatements” 
  5. The user can now go to Services > Statements and view the electronic statements


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