Step 1:

check icon

Very Important:
Sign the back of your check and write
"For ASB Mobile Deposit Only"

Step 2:

phone icon

Log in to your ASB Mobile App

Step 3:

mobile icon

Click Menu >
Deposit Checks

Step 4:

cash icon

Tap To Account, select Account and enter the check amount

Step 5:

photos icon

Follow alignment instruction and take pictures of the front and back of the check. Press Submit Deposit

Watch our Online Banking Mobile Check Deposit Tutorial Video

Make Check Deposits

With the snap of a photo, you can make your own deposits!

See all of our Tutorial videos

Protecting our customers' financial data is a high priority for us. American Savings Bank will never request verbally or via e-mail/text, your Password, Debit Card PIN, or Secure Access Code. We encourage our customers to closely monitor accounts regularly. For best practice, you should report immediately any suspicious activity to our Customer Banking Center at (808) 627-6900 or toll-free (800) 272-2566.