ASB Financial Resources: Having a Baby
Having a baby changes your life forever. We have free financial tools, courses and articles available to help you achieve your financial dreams.

Consider the New Expenses
New expenses that you didn’t have before might include daily necessities like diapers, large one-time expenses such as a crib, and ongoing costs such as childcare and doctor visits.
Cut Expenses to One Salary
Often times, when a baby arrives, one parent cannot work for a period of time which might mean less income. Get prepared by starting to save and cutting expenses ahead of your baby's arrival.
Find savings
Daily necessities like diapers or baby food can be bought in bulk to reduce cost. You may be able to find large items, such as a dresser, in your local classifieds, discount stores or online marketplaces. Consider reaching out to friends or family members who have had children and may no longer need baby items.
Take Checkup

ASB Online Account Opening
Savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CD) are great ways to start saving for your family. Get started today by opening an account online.

Moneyhune Savings Account
Help your keiki start saving with this special account. It's free for keiki under the age of 18.

Find a Financial Advisor†
Located throughout the state, our experienced and knowledgeable financial advisors are here to help you plan today and into the future.

Life & Long-Term Care Insurance†
With life and long-term care insurance, learn how you can start protecting your assets for yourself and your family.

Investing in Your Financial Future
Investment planning is often one of the most stressful parts of planning for your financial future. You might be worried about potential market volati...

Banking Basics for Teens
PICTURE THIS: You’re about to start a summer job and your boss asks you for your bank information so you can deposit your paycheck...

Budgeting for Kids 101
It’s never too early to start teaching your keiki about how to manage money. If your child grows up involved in decisions with money, they’re more...
† Securities and insurance products are offered through Cetera Investment Services LLC (doing insurance business in CA as CFG STC Insurance Agency LLC), member FINRA/SIPC. Advisory services are offered through Cetera Investment Advisers LLC. Neither firm is affiliated with the financial institution where investments are offered. Advisory services are only offered by Investment Adviser Representatives. Registered address and phone number: American Savings Investment Services, 300 North Beretania Street Honolulu, HI 96817. (808) 735-1717.
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This site is published for residents of the United States only. Registered Representatives of Cetera Investment Services LLC may only conduct business with residents of the states and/or jurisdictions in which they are properly registered. Not all of the products and services referenced on this site may be available in every state and through every advisor listed. For additional information please contact the advisor(s) listed on the site, visit the Cetera Investment Services LLC site at